But if you have a prescription for something less common or something for a specific condition, they will be more accommodating. I have a feeling that if you are trying to bring in a bunch of liquid over the counter (OTC) medication like NyQuil, DayQuil, or something like that they will be less lenient. And it might even be a better idea if you have a signed doctor’s note explaining why you need that much medication. It is a very good idea to have a clear stated purpose for why you need that quantity of liquid medication. Therefore, try not to go too far with your liquid medications if you think that you might be bringing in an unreasonable amount. Instead, TSA will allow you to bring in “reasonable quantities for the flight.” This is a subjective definition here so there is going to be room for agent discretion. When you are bringing your liquid medications through security the TSA 3-1-1 rule does not apply. They require you to only bring reasonable quantities and to notify the agents that you are bringing your liquid medication through security. TSA does not enforce the liquids rule for medically required liquids (and gels and aerosols) but they do have some limitations on liquid medication. This is known as the “TSA 3-1-1 rule” and you will be required to remove the bag from your carry-on unless you have TSA Pre-Check (which I highly recommend).

If you are not aware, TSA has a rule that forbids you from bringing in more liquids than can fit in 3.4 ounce containers that fit into a quart size bag (typically a clear Ziploc bag). What are the TSA rules for traveling with liquid medication on a plane? You can bring your medication in pill or solid form in “unlimited amounts” as long as it is screened. Related: Can TSA Ask About Your Medical Condition? Note: Medical Nitroglycerin medicines are allowed. If you do not want your medication exposed to the x-ray machine then just let the TSA agent knows this and they will allow you to go through a different type of screening (note that this could take more time and require you to open up all of your bottles). However, in many cases as long as they can x-ray your medication they will not require you to undergo additional screening. If you have an outrageous amount of medication on you then you might be subject to additional screening. So if you have a need to travel with multiple bottles of pills then you should not be limited to a certain amounts of pills or bottles. TSA does not have a limit on the amount of medication that you can bring on a plane whenever the medication is in solid form, such as pills.
Tip: Use the free app WalletFlo to help you travel the world for free by finding the best travel credit cards and promotions! Does TSA have a limit on the amount of medication I can bring on a plane? Below, I will go through some of the most common restrictions that might apply to you and tell you how you can go about them when flying with medication. TSA will allow you to travel with your medication but there are some restrictions that you need to be aware of. What are the TSA rules for flying with medication on a plane? Does TSA allow over the counter medication on a plane?.What if I need to keep my medication refrigerated when flying?.What are the TSA rules for flying on a plane with injectable medication?.Does TSA require pills to be in a prescription bottle?.