
Oriental furniture with secret compartments
Oriental furniture with secret compartments

oriental furniture with secret compartments

  • Faïence & Porcelaine européenne/European Ceramics.
  • Chine, Objets de lettrés / Treasures of the Chinese Scholar.
  • Chine, Monochromes / Chinese monochromes.
  • Art Moderne & Contemporain/Modern & Contempory Art.
  • Art du XVIIIème siècle / 18th century art.
  • Art du XIXème siècle / 19th century Art.
  • Art du XIVème siècle / 14th century Art.
  • Art du XIIIème siècle / 13th century art.
  • Art de la Mode et du Textile/Fashion & Textil Art.
  • Large Bowl (Wan) with Lotuses and Floral Scrolls, middle Ming dynasty, about 1450-1550.
  • oriental furniture with secret compartments

    Bowl (Wan) with Lotus Petals (Lianzi) and Floral Scrolls, Early Ming dynasty, about 1368-1450.Saucer, China, Ming Dynasty, 17th century.'Caspar David Friedrich and the Heralds of Romanticism' at The Museum Georg Schäfer.Cup with Flanged Handle, 12th century, Southern Song Dynasty (1127-1279).

    oriental furniture with secret compartments

    Dish with Barbed Rim, Southern Song Dynasty (1127-1279).Bowl, Southern Song Dynasty (1127-1279).Bowl with Lotus Petal Design, 12th - 13th century, Southern Song Dynasty (1127-1279).Cup (kiln waster), Southern Song Dynasty (1127-1279).Celadon Vase, Guan Ware, Southern Song Dynasty (1127-1279).La collection Philippe Magloire chez Ader, 7 juillet 2023.& A Scythian Gold Stag Appliqué, circa late 5th century B.C. A Scythian Electrum Horse Appliqué, circa 6th-5th century B.C.A Proto-Elamite Silver Gilt Kneeling Goat-Headed Anthropomorphic Deity, Circa Late 4th-3rd Millennium B.C.A Parthian Bronze Animal-Headed Rhyton, Iran, circa 1st century B.C.A Rare Chinese Mother-of-Pearl-Inlaid Black Lacquer Recessed-Leg Table, Pingtou'an, Ming Dynasty, 16th-17th Century.

    Oriental furniture with secret compartments