
Yuri name meaning
Yuri name meaning



Uryuvkos - contraction of Ura, Yuri v kosmose! (Hooray, Yuri is in space!)ĭazdraperma - contraction of Da zdravstvuet Pervoe maya! (Long live the first of May!)ĭid you know? Soviet naming practices became so outlandish, that registration offices began offering services to assist parents in finding appropriate names! Diminutives and nicknamesĪnyone who has read Russian literature will have noticed that each character sports many different names, which can make it hard to follow the story. Other names celebrated important Soviet figures and events by turning the first letters of names or words into acronyms.

yuri name meaning

The names of various Soviet heroes naturally became extremely popular – in 1961 many babies were named Yuri, after Yuri Gagarin became the first man in space. Popular names in the USSR were devoted to science, industry, politics and even geography. Naming practices changed drastically, and some truly unusual combinations appeared in a flamboyant display of dedication to the Soviet regime. With the arrival of Communism, historic and religious names suddenly seemed outdated and unsuitable. Many of these names have since fallen out of use. These often contain a contraction of two words, and there was even a special class of these names given only to the upper classes in medieval Russia. Whereas many popular Russian names have Latin or Greek roots, there are some truly distinct Slavic names. As a result, a large proportion of babies were named Ivan! There are many Orthodox saints named Ivan, which has filled the church calendar with over 100 ‘Saint Ivan’ name days. If their father was called Sergei, their names would be Vladimir Sergeevich and Irina Sergeevna.ĭid you know? In pre-revolutionary times, the church encouraged parents to name their child after the saint on whose name day they were born.


Their full names would be Vladimir Konstantinovich Popov and Irina Konstantinovna Popova. First name and surname are pretty self-explanatory, but what about a patronymic? Russians do not choose their own middle name, it is created by taking their father’s name and adding the ending -ovich/-evich for boys, or -ovna/-evna for girls, the particular ending determined by the last letter of the father’s name.įor example, Vladimir Popov and Irina Popova are brother and sister. As a rule, Russian male names end in a consonant, and female names end in an ‘a’ or ‘ya’. Russian names are made up of three parts: first name, patronymic, and surname.

yuri name meaning yuri name meaning

Photo by National Cancer Institute on Unsplash


Read on to find out the most popular names in Russia today, discover some of the weird and wonderful names that the Soviets gave their children, and learn how to decode the nicknames in Russian literature. If you’re visiting Russian friends, doing business in Russia, taking a Russian tour or just enjoy reading Russian literature, it can be useful to understand how Russian names work. You might find yourself wondering how a middle name and first name can be the same, or why every person has so many nicknames. Russian names are fascinating and beautiful, imbued with layers of meaning, but can be quite puzzling to foreigners. This can make reading Russian literature quite confusing, but it’s not hard to learn some of the forms

  • What is a diminutive? Each Russian name has many diminutive forms, which act as nicknames showing varying degrees of affection or familiarity.
  • During this time, some truly outlandish names appeared!
  • What did the Soviets name their children? Naming practices radically changed in the USSR, and parents chose names celebrating the science, industry and politics of the regime.
  • yuri name meaning

    There are also some unique Slavic names, some given only to medieval princes, but these have fallen out of fashion Which names are popular in Russia today? Russians prefer traditional names, often with historical or religious connotations.The patronymic is made from the father’s name with different endings added for boys and girls What’s in a name? Russian names are made up of three parts: first name, patronymic, and surname.

    Yuri name meaning